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Let's Talk

There have been so many great questions since I began this journey for Board of Education District 4 in March 2022.  I respect your time, concern, and interest and will do my best to respond your questions. 


Thank you for your support to help me win the Primary Election Runoff on June 21, 2022. We are headed to the polls on November 8, 2022. 


Thank you for your grace.

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Questions for Dr. Daigre

"Dr. Daigre, what do you see as the greatest challenge in Fayette County schools? What needs to be improved? if elected, what specific actions will you take to effect those improvements?" Mari M.


Dr. Daigre's Response:


Well, I certainly wouldn't pick just one! There are many issues that deserve the attention and action of leadership, which is why, for me, encouraging and facilitating parental engagement, promoting career-readiness in schools, and a high-quality virtual OPTION are the best way to ensure Fayette County schools are serving all of our children the best and to protect the quality of our children's education.


Specifically, I think that we need a better way to bring parents into the fold of the public education system. I desire to create a network for district 4 that will make two-way communication between Fayette County district 4 parents easy and efficient. I also plan to hold virtual and live meetings for all stakeholders to speak with me and have a civil and informative dialogue on the most important issues and solutions. Also, I'd like to take the time to ask constituents and other stakeholders about the best way to get in touch with them. People that live in Fayette County work hard and have busy lives. The best way to get in touch with some district 4 parents could be by email, for others by text message, and for others maybe even a FCHS football game! Elected officials may not know these things, unless they ask, which is what I am doing now.


As a former CTAE teacher for more than 18 years, career readiness is actually my area of expertise! As a former Georgia Future Business Leaders of America board member, and local, regional, and state advisor, it was my passion to personally train and mentor over 500 students to be the most career-ready, business-savvy young adults they could be. It would be my pleasure to work with parents in promoting CTAE classes as essential to success in life. These classes teach our children so much about business, technology, agriculture, etc. Here is what I can think of off the top of my head: practices, laws, and current data about business; how to apply mathematics to their personal and business finances; crucial oral and written skills that our children will need to successfully interview for competitive positions in competitive industries and communicate professionally; and so much more. These classes should get the same respect and emphasis as Mathematics, English, and Science, but sadly, they often do not. I will work to make sure that they do get the respect and emphasis that they deserve and that the schools are communicating the importance and relevance of these classes to our children as well.


Finally, I believe there is a need for a high-quality virtual option for our children. Let's be honest: the pandemic caught public education with its pants down. Many schools didn't even have a virtual education platform and had to take weeks out of the school year to develop and implement it. Considering that Fayette County schools are some of the best schools in the state of Georgia (and in the nation), there's no reason why we don't have a high-quality virtual education OPTION for students and parents who want it. As an expert, seasoned CTAE educator with more than 18 years of experience in teaching virtual education, I believe the first step in making this happen is to make sure that virtual education is just as rigorous as face-to-face education. Everyone (administration, teachers, parents, students, etc.) must raise the standard high and keep it high. This can only be done once we approach virtual education as a serious form of education, making sure that those with the expertise in virtual education are leading the way, and that assessments of student learning are reflective of students' actual knowledge. I will push hard to make sure that all Fayette County virtual options adhere to (and exceed) the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards.

"I'd only add two: Were you approached by any political party or entity and lobbied to run? If not, what reason led you feel compelled to run?" Rebecca N.
Dr. Daigre's Response:


I was not approached by anyone to run. My decision to run was my own given that the former district 4 board member is stepping down, and someone must succeed him. Fayette County district 4 constituents deserve a strong, compassionate leader with the knowledge, experience, and the heart to represent district 4 constituents and govern with integrity.



1. "Do you have healthy friendships with people with whom you often disagree?"
2 "Can you read people and tell when they are exaggerating or outright lying to your face?"
3. "Can you still work with people without holding grudges after they reject an idea of yours?"
4. "Can you work with people with whom you have a fundamental disagreement about what makes a great society?
5. "Are you running for reasons other than making our community a better, safer, more engaging place for children to learn, grow, and thrive?" Barry M.


Dr. Daigre's Response:


These are some awesome questions! I'd be happy to answer them now:


1., 2., 3., & 4. "Do you have healthy friendships with people with whom you often disagree?" "Can you read people and tell when they are exaggerating or outright lying to your face?" "Can you still work with people without holding grudges after they reject an idea of yours?" "Can you work with people with whom you have a fundamental disagreement about what makes a great society?"


- Yes, yes, and yes. These are basic social skills. I don't make assumptions about what a person believes on anything other than what can logically be concluded from what they have said and done. Coming to conclusions about what someone believes based on anything else is just prejudice at work. I choose my friends based on their core values. Our core values guide our beliefs. (Though I find this question rather... interesting considering that my friends aren't the ones running to be a Fayette County school board member.) We may come to different conclusions, but I give everyone the benefit of the doubt that their hearts are in the right place.


5. "Are you running for reasons other than making our community a better, safer, more engaging place for children to learn, grow, and thrive?"


- Of course not! Making the Fayette County school system a better, safer, more engaging place for children to learn, grow, and thrive is every Fayette County parent's desire, and I share those values. My husband, sons, and I have lived in Fayette County for more than 15 years. My sons went through the Fayette County Schools educational system including Fayette Intermediate School, Fayette Middle School, Bennett's Mill Middle School and Fayette County High School. I am running to make sure the awesome school system that my children grew up in is the same awesome school system for the Fayette County children to come.



Do you agree with increasingly more common practices in other states/districts such requiring teachers to adjust their classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students?  Were you influenced by these Authors, Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire; Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks; The Dreamkeepers by Gloria Ladson-Billings; Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig; and The Mis-education of the Negro by Carter Woodson? Tim A.
Dr. Daigre's Response:


Fayette County Schools does not practice adjusting the classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students. This is not something that I support. I believe students' grades should be based on the merit of their work. As for the types of books that I read for professional development, they are mostly leadership and faith books. I can honestly say that I have not read any of the books that you've mentioned. 

Dr. Regina Daigre, Board Member




For school related matters, email:

Call (770) 927-7524

Thank you, Fayette County, GA for electing Dr. Regina Daigre, the first African/Black American to serve on Fayette County Board of Education!

2022 @ Leader for You by Web Jeannie

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